Deconstructing "the self" (female versus male identity)
How to create 'new' bodies and identies

Parel Strik
Sammie Straub

Gelijkenissen: Beide vertrokken vanuit ons persoonlijk ‘lichaam’ , onze grenzen aan het opzoeken.

Fysieker en mentaler. Reflecteren over ons eigen lichaam.
Op onze eigen manier voor onszelf proberen af te bakenen, het claimen en terug toe eigenen van ons lichaam.

Parel: Levensgroot, abstracter en iets vrijer interpreteerbaar, 1 wijze uitgewerkt
Sammie heeft gebruik gemaakt van fotografie en audio, concreter, meerdere momenten uitgewerkt en verder op geevalueerd.

Parel's map: Started from her own body; her own base. By sitting from one position trying to figure out how far she can reach certain locations and mapping those stretches. The initial inspiration was from Javier's class where he mentioned: First you start from the movement. Where the object or shape didn't matter it was about the performative part.
While meanwhile researching Judith Butler who is talking about gender performability, Parel started with her own performance and mapping her own movement trying to find borders.

Sammie's map: I started from my own body by drawing it, then i made notes besides the drawing of my body that reflect my thoughts and feelings that go with gender-normative expressions. Then i made photos of those body parts where I was talking about in my reflection notes and made some voiceclips that contain reflections of my personal struggles within gender construction/ deconstruction.

Who is me (?): Body Stretches
Who is my body; what does it say about me. What kind of feelings and thoughts go with taking a closer look to it? Trying to map our bodies goes hand in hand with being confronted with other bodies, other perspectives and gazes. How do I reclaim back what is mine, deconstructing the lines and borders of flesh and thoughts.

How do I read me, without being read by the other
Am I a victim of your gaze? Or do I victimize myself by willingly being pragmatic to the male gaze?
The final map :
Who is me (?) : Body stretches
First exercise mapping out